A busy city street.

Monthly Webinars
Policy Webinars
recorded Webinars
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Purchase a Recorded Webinar

APBP records each webinar presentation for later viewing. Webinars recorded within the past 12 months are available for purchase at the price of $50 members / $85 non-members. 

Click here to view all webinar recordings available for purchase. When the transaction is complete, you will download a document with links to the recording and the slides/handouts. The recorded file may be viewed multiple times, but not downloaded; handouts and other files may be downloaded and printed. Webinars are 60 minutes except as noted.

If you're a member of APBP, you may view any webinar recorded more than 12 months ago for free. Click here for details.

Several times each year, APBP produces free webinars on topics of wide-spread interest to the active transportation community. Click here to access a comprehensive list of all free webinar recordings.