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The Association of Pedestrian and Bicycle Professionals (APBP) is a community of practitioners working to create more walkable, rollable, and bikeable places. We foster peer knowledge sharing, advance technical expertise, and support the professional development of our members who work in government, consulting firms, non-profit organizations and education in the fields of transportation planning, engineering, urban design, planning, public health, and active living.

APBP has engaged in intentional work to create an organization dedicated to the inclusion of all people and in particular those communities who have been historically excluded. We have worked to create and implement new policies and strategies that are guided by and for people from these communities. Through this process, APBP has decided to offer a new discount of 50% for those people who identify as Black, Indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) or as a person with a disability. It is APBP’s hope that this discount contributes to peer exchange that advances an improved and inclusive profession. A discount code will be generated for eligible members to use when completing payment.

Support APBP with an annual membership! Scroll down on this page for our full list of benefits. We have a variety of membership categories sure to fit your needs! Choose from these options:

For a letter to send to your employer which explains the benefits of joining APBP and request to cover membership dues, click here.

Benefits of Membership

  • On-call network of engaged, passionate practitioners from across North America who care about increasing accessibility and availability of active transportation through a vibrant member community 

  • Access to trends, news, and best practices to make you a thought leader in your community and the larger industry 

  • Guidance and support from policy statements on topics relevant to your work which lends an authoritative voice from the professional association for practitioners 

  • collective voice on governmental issues that affect biking and walking 

  • A front row seat to the dissection of technical issues to help you work smarter, not harder 

  • Opportunities for professional development that share actual projects, working examples, and lessons learned to increase your knowledge and hone your skills 

  • Association with colleagues who recognize that the built environment has been designed in ways that both reflect and signal racism and are taking action to fight racism and center equity in our work 

  • Ability to participate in chapters and serve on committees to connect with colleagues, provide leadership development, and advance the association