Registration Now Open for APBP 2024 Conference

Join colleagues, friends, advocates and experts for excellent training that will take your work and your career to the next level at the 2024 APBP Conference held in Detroit, Michigan, August 12-14, 2024. The Conference will feature over 40 informative sessions and exciting mobile tours taking you into the field on foot, bike and transit. Early registration rates end June 15, 2024. We look forward to seeing you this summer at the APBP Conference in Detroit! 

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Next Webinar - Bike Comfort: Expanding our Understanding Through Data and Empathy


Wednesday, August 21 at 3:00 p.m. EDT

What makes a street comfortable for biking? Is it the same for everyone? How does this understanding translate to planning and design decisions?
The concept of bike comfort has greatly influenced how practitioners approach bicycle planning and design. Evaluating traffic volumes, speeds, and roadway configurations to estimate comfort has become common practice. However, practitioners and advocates increasingly recognize that whether people of all ages, abilities, and identities truly feel comfortable when biking is far more nuanced. In this webinar, planners from Cambridge, Massachusetts, and San Francisco, California, will describe how they are taking a deeper look at what bike comfort means and how this broader understanding influences their decision-making. In Cambridge, we will discuss how bikeway planning and design is intended to support the needs of a diverse population, and how a variety of factors influence people's perception of comfort. We also share data about some measurable impacts of implementing a more comfortable bicycle network. In San Francisco, we will discuss how data on slope, bikeway configuration, and context was used to develop a model that holistically reflects comfort, how this model was calibrated based on public input, and how it will be used to shape the City's forthcoming bike plan.


APBP Project Spotlight:
Market Trail

The Market Trail is a AAA, shared-use “Rail with Trail” project along the Region-owned rail corridor from Northfield ION LRT station in Waterloo to the Market District in Woolwich. Market Trail features lighting, benches, and bike racks with space for a future bike and scooter share program. To support workers, residents, and visitors, the Region built access ramps to connect employers to the trail. The trail is winter-maintained to support use and access to transit year-round.
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