Jeremy Chrzan
APBP Board of Directors Candidate Statement
Jeremy Chrzan Multimodal Design Practice Lead Toole Design

Please briefly describe your current position and how your work relates to the bicycle/pedestrian field: As the Multimodal Design Practice Lead at Toole Design, I work closely with communities throughout the U.S. and Canada to design streets that are safer for walking, biking, and accessing transit. Some of my main focus areas are pedestrian accessibility, separated bikeway design, and traffic calming. I’m also involved in writing local, state, and national design guidance, including the forthcoming AASHTO Bike Guide and AASHTO Green Book, NCHRP reports for bicycle and pedestrian safety, the MassDOT Separated Bike Lane Planning & Design Guide, the Los Angeles Supplemental Street Design Guide, and the forthcoming Ohio DOT Multimodal Design Guide. I’m a frequent presenter at conferences, seminars, public meetings, and training sessions to educate engineers, city officials, and the public about pedestrian and bicycle facility best practices. I also have a passion for pedestrian accessibility issues, extending beyond curb ramps and accessible signals to challenges associated with flush streets and floating bus stops that are not directly addressed by accessibility guidance.
Why do you want to be a Board member? What do you hope to gain over the term of your Board membership? I have enjoyed my first three years on the board, working closely with fellow board members and the finance, webinario, and conference planning committees. I believe our organization is at a crossroads and needs to set itself apart from other professional organizations that are now beginning to stress the need for multimodal design and accommodations. I look forward to advancing our strength as the premiere organization focused on walking and biking safety and equity, while also finding opportunities for partnerships with other organizations and agencies where it benefits our members and the public. I am also excited to continue developing working relationships with members all over the continent.
Please describe your goals for APBP and how your leadership on the Board will benefit the association. As the current Vice President of APBP, I wish to continue to serve and grow our membership, while also strengthening our message that walking and biking safety, and equitable transportation planning and implementation, must be a priority in communities. I also want to focus on the fiscal responsibility of our organization to ensure that our actions are supporting our members, while also ensuring our organization’s long-term health. I also want to continue involvement in our webinario and conference planning committees to bring useful and engaging programming to our members.
Past volunteer/leadership positions with APBP: Vice President (’21), Secretary (’20), Board Member (’19-’21), Webinario Committee (’19-’21), Finance Committee (’20-’21), Mentor (’20-’21), Conference Planning (‘19&’21), Awards Jury (’21)
Past volunteer/leadership positions with other organizations: ASCE National Committee on Sustainability, Policy Committee Chair (’17-Present), ASCE National Committee on Younger Members (’13-‘16), Committee Chair (’16), ASCE Philadelphia Younger Member Forum, Executive Board (’06-’12), President (’12), ASCE Philadelphia Section, Webmaster (’09-’15), ASCE Mid-Atlantic Concrete Canoe Competition, Head Judge (’12-‘19&’21), Future City Competition, Judge (’07-’14)