APBP Welcomes New Board Member, Adam Wood

Headshot of Adam WoodAPBP is pleased to share that Adam Wood from Toole Design Group has been elected to serve a three-year term on the Board of Directors starting in January 2025.

Adam is an Active Transportation Plan Practice Lead with Toole Design Group in Silver Spring, Maryland. In this role he advances the state of goal-oriented, data-driven bike and pedestrian planning. Adam has expertise in helping communities change their transportation paradigms, enhancing livability and advancing equity. He has created active transportation and Complete Streets plans for a diverse array of communities and agencies across North America, from platinum-level bicycle-friendly cities to communities embarking on their very first efforts to enhance their streets for everyone. Adam excels at translating community values into actionable policy and program strategies; crafting Complete Streets policies and implementation plans; and planning local, regional, and statewide bicycle and pedestrian transportation systems.

Adam and his family live in Madison, WI where they enjoy walking, biking, and being outdoors.

Welcome to the APBP Board of Directors, Adam!

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