APBP believes automated vehicles represent an emerging technology that carries great potential for both positive and negative outcomes, and must be designed and operated to ensure functional safety for all people using streets and highways. Automated Driving Systems (ADSs) must readily detect and protect people walking and bicycling – regardless of age, ability, location, time of day, and other factors – from serious injury or death.
The APBP supports:
- Establishing minimum performance standards for detection and reaction capabilities of all ADS technologies, regardless of the level of automation
- Enhancing testing and regulation, including implementation of policies that emphasize actions to improve safety for people walking and biking
- Keeping low the number of ADS vehicles allowed exemptions from safety standards
- Building a public database of limitations, capabilities, and safety evaluation reports to increase consumer awareness of ADS performance
We recently published our Automated Driving Systems Policy Statement, an update from our original Automated Vehicles Policy Statement. Click here to read the full statement.